Monday, February 21, 2011

Just a Minnesotan Girl

Hello, world!

Although I'm not completely new to blogging, this is my FIRST EVER personal blog!  I bet you are excited now, huh?  Let's take a few minutes to learn a little more about me. Ready? Go!

My name's Beth and I'm from the great state of Minnesota.  Wait... did I really just say that?  The great state of Minnesota? Why is it so great? I am sitting at home because good old mother nature decided to dump over a foot of snow on us and the plow blocked my driveway.  So maybe it isn't so great everyday, but a quick google image search will show you some of the reasons I love this place.

Here are a few glimpses of what the year brings!

Photo credit:

Here is a great picture of the colors and beauty that Fall brings in MN!  A serene moment captured on Lake Minnetonka.  This picture is credited to's member, LaBonBon.

Again - a breath-taking landscape shot!  Northern Minnesota is a a popular place to escape to for all sorts of winter sports.  Hit the slopes in Lutsen, go ice fishing on one of MN's 10,000 lakes, or hibernate in your cabin with the fireplace ablaze, a good book, and a hot cup of cocoa.  Sounds nice, doesn't it?  (Photo credit:

Northern Minnesota brings yet another surprise to non-residents.  Since when does MN have visions like this?! Mounds of winter snow melting brings bright green vegetation and helps this little waterfall stun its visitors. (Photo credit:

And finally, for those of you who thought Minnesota never saw the sun.... welcome to summer.

This was me working for the Chevy Riders last summer at the Cokato Corn Festival.  SCORCHING HEAT.  I was surprised I looked as good as I did since I felt like my face was melting off.  Usually, though, summers have great temperatures averaging in the mid 70s-mid 80s.  Okay, but enough of my face... let's go back to MN landscape.

So, I think you get the picture (ha, a pun!) that MN is beautiful -- which has a lot to do with the lakes.  But overall, I do feel like it is a great state.  And if you aren't into the laid back feel, just visit the Twin Cities and you are sure to find other things to keep
 you busy.  But don't take my word for it.


Alright. We get that I am a proud Minnesotan and that I love it here (for the most part).  But the other thing to know about me is my love of traveling.  So far I've been to El Salvador, Ecuador, and Spain.  I hopped over to England, Rome, and France for a few days, too, but it just wasn't enough!  Now I'm dealing with the travel bug and trying to figure out how to travel on a students budget... or lack there of.  My other passion in life is PEOPLE. I love meeting new people, making connections, and discovering different cultures.

I'm going to leave it at that for today... what's life without a little bit of mystery?
