Thursday, April 7, 2011

Time and Again

Time is flying by so fast that I can't even catch a glimpse of it.  By this time next week I'll already be back from my quick visit to Montana and maybe even will be getting news back from RF about the internship.  Probably not... but maybe.  I'm really, truly thankful for all the opportunities that God has been giving to me.  Time and again I catch myself thinking, "ahhh! But which one do I choose?!"  Rough life, right?  Except for I'm really indecisive. I ALWAYS have been.  My mom likes to share a story about me from when I was little.  Before the new school year started, I got to pick out ONE outfit.  My mom took me to the MOA to try to find one - and it took me two days. A total of 11 hours to find that one outfit because I just couldn't decide what I wanted. Now imagine my struggle with choosing what I want to do with my life after graduation (which is in 24 days).  It's been a little stressful.  Of course, I can't even devote full thought to that because I'm too worried about the big projects that always seem to be piled up at the end of the semester.  Luckily for me, one group presentation is scheduled for Tuesday (when I am in Montana) - so my group has to present without me.  The other one I have to present on Friday of next week.  But I guess after that one is done, things get a whole lot easier academically. 

Other than post-Concordia drama and projects, my life has been rather uneventful. I am just getting over a mega cold (today marks one week from when it started - usually I suffer for a week and a half or a full two weeks) so I'm pretty thankful it was kept short. Today also marks the first day that the city has measured above 50 degrees - awesome!  I didn't expect much when I woke up to clouds and rain hitting my window, but it shaped up nicely and really brightened my day on my walk to class.  I even wanted to go out and get some exercise but the friend who I know would be up for going with me is at work. So, back to homework it is.  Next time, I'm going to try to do a vlog - I wanted to this time but my stupid video won't even come up for some reason.

Stay crazy, lovelies.