Sunday, February 24, 2013


In the words of semisonic, "every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." This concept is sort of hitting me hard right now. I'm in the middle of my final semester of graduate school and it's time for me to think what sort of beginning there will be once this crazy time in my life ends. What will I be doing? Where will I be living? How will I feel about not seeing the 13 fabulous officemates I've fallen in love with over the past year? It's hard to say.

Life has this crazy way of making things work, but trying to figure out how it is going to happen is driving me crazy! I thought going to graduate school might give me some time to figure out what I want to do with my life. Nope. Not really. Maybe taking a few years off and travelling would have helped. But sadly, travelling would have actually been more expensive than graduate school and financially just wasn't a possibility for me. So two years went by and I'm back to "what will I do now?!" panic mode.

My passions are health, communication, travel, and helping people. If you stumble across this post and happen to have any suggestions on where I can go with this, please let me know. Maybe the Peace Corps is calling...