Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Belated Resolutions

I'm not really the kind of person who makes New Year's resolutions.  It's a fad and if I don't truly want to make the resolution and am just doing it because I'm supposed to find something to do... it'll never last.  But there ARE a few things I have been wanting to do lately - and now that I am choosing them because I want to, maybe they will stick.

My first resolution/goal is to make as many people smile each day as I can.  I hate seeing people upset - I'm too empathetic and it kills me when those I love (or even those I'm fond of on a lesser level) are not doing well. I've been going out of my way to do things to try to make everyone show those pearly whites.  I've held doors, cracked jokes, listened, and made a fool of myself.  I even went so far as to share a little secret with my PR class. 

What? Now YOU want to know the secret?  Well, okay. First, the background: as an assignment, we were divided into groups and given different organizations that were experiencing a crisis and we had to represent them in a mock press conference with a hostile audience. (Isn't it said that public speaking is the #1 fear?  Add simply speaking in front of people to having to answer difficult questions termed in ways that make you look bad.)  Sweating yet?  Our professor knew that perspiration would be a bit of an issue and told us not to wear light colored clothing that would show pit stains easily.  Well, guess what?  I only have a light blue or light pink dress shirt... and I'm a broke college student.  Never fear, though. I am a woman and will use anything at hand to solve a problem.  My lifesaver this time? Panty liners.  You betcha - these puppies can just be stuck on the armpit section of your shirt (I used a couple on each side).  My professor was horrified to see me show up in the shirt I did and then mystified as to how I managed to avoid pit stains.  She loved the idea of the panty liners so much that she wanted me to share it with the class. Who am I to refuse?!  Boom. 20+ smiles.

My second resolution/goal is to try to take better care of my body.  Please take note: the goal isn't necessarily to lose weight.  That's not a major concern of mine.  God gave me this body.  It's my temple.  Therefore, I should learn to love it and treat it in a way that reflects that love.  My two new purchases? Celery and grapes.  I also had my first day of swimming laps today.  I try to get a friend to go with me, because the thought of going alone makes me want to stay snuggled up in bed all. day. long.

Finally, I am hoping to reduce the amount of time I spend on Facebook.  It seems like I am on there ALL THE TIME.  Maybe because I am.  In my defense,  I am usually just logged in while doing other stuff - writing a paper, typing out my answers for advertising homework... searching YouTube, catching up on Twitter job postings, etc. But I still get distracted every once in a while when I see a new notification.  If you see me on Facebook (mom, I guess this is for you since you are still my sole follower at the moment), you have full permission to kick me off.

Jumping back to resolution #2 - taking care of my body.  One thing that's good for it? SLEEP. So to my bed.

Good night and good luck. (Kudos if you know whose tagline that is)


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