Thursday, March 3, 2011

Decisions, Decisions

In the words of Elvis, I'm all shook up.  And not even in the good way.

Today I got great news. Fantastic news, even.  I have officially been accepted into the University of Montana-Missoula's Communication Studies program and offered a position as a TA.  So why aren't I ecstatic?  For once, I don't know if my heart is set on graduate school.  Yes, it's a great opportunity - which makes me think I shouldn't pass it up.  But it's far away from friends and family and it means two more years of grueling schoolwork with an additional 20 hours of teaching on top.

Making the decision even harder is the fact that I found a company that I think I would love.  I'm in the process of applying for a position... and who knows if I will get it or not.  I feel like I would fit in well there.  The two downfalls that I foresee are that, once again, it's far from home (it's in Chicago) and they expect employees to work 50-60 hours a week.  Can I do that?  I think it would be a great learning experience if nothing else.

These were the two things I sort of had it narrowed down to... until I got a call from the 'rents. Neither seemed too excited about me leaving the TC area and although they meant well and everything they said had a good point, I felt like during the conversation it was just one critique after the next about the two opportunities.  So now I feel like I'm back at square one - no idea what to do.  I wish I could rewind to my semester in Spain.  Things were so much easier at that point. 

I guess I shouldn't spend too much time pouring my little heart out on here when I should be looking for jobs after school or doing homework. 

Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu, Ciao

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