Saturday, June 23, 2012

When it all falls apart

Blog #3 since I started over and already it's hard to get on here and write. Basically, from what I know, nobody is even reading it. How depressing! That basically sums up my day today: depressing. My patience is really being tried and it feels like I'm failing. I calculated out how much I've spent in the past (approximately) 20 days - all out of necessity, like bills - and it is as much as I will make in the next month. It's about half of what I will have made all summer. So that started me off in not the best place. I tried to do my INSANITY workout later... and in an 80+ degree apartment that didn't go so well. I made it about half way through and couldn't take it. I decided I couldn't just do nothing, so I put on my shoes and went out for a jog. Back story here: I had my first day of physical therapy yesterday and was told I shouldn't be jogging because of the way my knee and ankle are... but I figured this one be my one last "hurrah." Turns out, I can't even jog half a mile anymore. A week and a half ago I jogged 3 miles. Let the unfortunate surge of negative emotions begin. There's still a little more to the story, but I just don't feel like sharing it on here (even if the chances that someone reads it are pretty slim).

Isn't it funny how when you are in a bad mood you just want junk food or sleep? Like that's going to help anything... especially if the reason you are upset is related to difficulties in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


  1. I just read the entries!! So you can count me as 1... HAHA although it is SO random... I was searching "beautiful Minnesota lake pictures" on Google, and clicked on one of the many, many pictures that appeared, and it opened up to your blog. It was your first entry with all of the pictures of MN landscapes.... and I read right away where you said your name was Beth and my name is Beth too so I continued reading and then eventually realized we have a LOT more in common than our names!! I was born and raised in MN and then moved to a different state after college. Although I moved to Texas where there is NO similarity and I am now missing my midwestern roots :/ are you still missing Minnesota, or have you came to love Missoula, MT?

  2. Thanks for the comment, Beth! It's nice to see that someone has read a post or two... clearly I sort of gave up after figuring there wasn't much reading action going on. I'm sorry to hear that you are missing the MW! Texas sounds like it would be fun though - a good learning experience. Being out of the ordinary (and out of your comfort zone) usually presents HUGE opportunities to grow, so just take advantage of it! I still miss Minnesota once in a while, but I'm learning to enjoy things about MT. It has taken a while, but it's getting there. Hopefully you are still enjoying TX even though you may miss MN.

    Thanks again for the comment :)
